Byrd joined the kkk in 1942. He was a "kleagle". A person who recruited members for the barbaric brutal racist organization. He recruited over 150 friends and associates, and they started a local chapter of the klan. The new recruits were charged a $10 joining fee and $3 for the hood and robe. As kleagle Byrd collected the fees.
Byrd said he joined the brutal racist organization because of its strong stance against communism. Even Though in 1943 the Soviet Union and America were Allys against Germany. In fact President Roosevelt was still calling Stalin Uncle Joe. Byrd's reason for his klan involvement does not pass the common sense test.
We can only guess the number of black that have beaten to death, hung to death, burned to death, and drowned to death by Byrd's barbaric brotherhood, the kkk. The number is certainly in the thousands. From early last century to well into the 1960s black were frequently terrorized by the klan. Black people were murdered just for sport. For entertainment after Sunday Church services. Klansman Byrd was a part of the barbaric uncivilized lynchings.
In a letter Byrd wrote December of 1945 to notorious segregationist Mississippi democratic Senator Theodor Bilbo, Byrd complained about President Truman's efforts to try and integrate the military. Byrd wrote "A negro by my side, rather I should die a thousands times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than see this beloved land degraded by mongrels".In a 1946 letter (after Byrd claimed he had lost interest in the kkk) he wrote "the klan is needed today as never before. I am anxious to see the klan rebuilt in West Virgina."
In 1965 Byrd filibustered for fourteen hours to stop passage of President Johnson's Civil Rights Act. In 1967 Byrd voted against the nomination of Thurgood Marshall to be America's first black Supreme Court Justice. And as everyone knows in the year 2004 Byrd called lower class whites "whte niggers"
I must say that any living being weather human or animal should be treated humanely. Dogs shouldn't forced to fight to the death and killed in horrible ways such as hangings, electrocutions, or drownings. Females dogs shouldn't rape, and forced to breed. Their pups shouldn't be taken away. This goes for black human beings as well.
So I take all this outrage of Micheal Vick's treatment of dogs coming from Byrd for what it's worth. Byrd stood up for the barbaric racist who lynched so many black human beings. Micheal Vick should be punish for his crimes against animals. Byrd should also be punish for his crimes against humans. Now he is all morally outraged about the treatment of dogs. Well, maybe he is just outraged about the white dogs.
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