I am new to the Blogger sphere, and I might add not such a good typist. But I am also a politically active person with progressive ideas. I am a very liberal. So I started my own blog to share my beliefs and ideas on the '08 election, and on politics in general. I have to say right off, my preferred Presidential candidate is "that skinny kid with the funny name". Of course, I am talking about Barack Obama. But any of the democratic candidates will be better than another republican. A republican in the White House in '08 will mean more of the same. More Iraq, more corruption, more unqualified cronies, more right wing judges, and so on.
So with all this in mind I have to ask myself', why are most right wing pundits rooting for Hillary to be the Democrats' nominee? Let me say straight up front that I think Hillary is okay. I am just ready for freshness in D.C, however I do believe the reason most right wing talking heads want Hillary is for their wallets. They, as do most of our Country, realize that the democratic nominee will more than likely be our next President. So if the nominee is Hillary, the right will once more have a Clinton in the White House to bash day after day. The pundits will have their right wing flock to preach to, thus they will have the audience that thrives on the hate they will be putting out about her. The idea of Barack Obama, John Edwards, or any other democrat getting the nomination scares the greenbacks out of the right. Most of the right wing talkers have made a job out of demonizing the Clintons. The chattering right created so many Clniton controversies, and wrote so many books, got so many television appearances, and made so much money off of their Clinton hating sermons.
Please don't be fooled by the right wing pundits, they care very little about Americans. What these right wing talking heads worship is the mighty dollar, and Hillary will have them talking all the way to the bank. Joe Scarborough is now the Clinitons biggest fan, yet he spent his entire 6 years in congress telling Americans that the Clintons were the Devils on earth. This goes double for Pat Buchanan. Now he is on MSNBC everyday practically pulling the lever in the voting booth for Hillary. Tucker Carlson, who once said he eat his shoe if Hillary's book sold well, is now campaigning for her on his show.
At first I thought it was because Barack Obama is black that they talked him down so, but after hearing them talk the same way about John Edwards. I knew there was something else going on. I believe that it was because both these men, Obama and Edwards, threaten their high paying, Clinton bashing jobs. So America beware of right wing wolves who talk with sheep words. There are enough Clinton Haters out there to keep the right wing pundits dressed in the finest sheep wools.
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