Friday, August 10, 2007

The Media

Well they are at it again. The thought pushers of the media. Telling us who won the AFL-CIO debate. Of course their winner is Hillary. Even though she sidestep almost every question. They seem to think she won with one phrase: "I'm your girl." The media went wild over that superficial phrase. The thing is, the media hardly mentioned her being booed on her saying Presidential candidates should not share their true thoughts with the America people. No mention at all of the fact that she seemed to signal Sen. Dodd with a wink to attack Sen .Obama. In my opinion all the Democratic candidates held their own in all the debates so far. Barack is my man, but of course I am going to support who ever our Democratic Nominee in '08 is. And if it's Hillary, I will grit my teeth and vote for her (maybe).

Now that the media has finally did it's primary job, and investigated Hillary statements saying that nuclear weapons were off the table, and that America should unilaterally go into countries to hunt for terrorists. The right wingers pundits, and the media in general have been quiet about her making those statements. By the way, why have former Presidents G.H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton gotten so close? Hum... stay tuned.

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