As my profile states I am a avid watcher of political talk shows. So I want to share a few things that I think you will find interesting that I have picked up on from one of these shows.On August 3rds Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough's early morning gab fest (and the same show where the host once said Fred Thomson's wife could work the poles at strip clubs). One of the call in guest was none other than Pat Buchanan. Good ole boys Joe and Pat were yuckin' it up about Barack Obama saying at the CNN youtube debate that as President he would meet with so-called rogue world leaders, and Sen. Obama's saying in an earlier speech that he would hunt down terrorists in Pakistan. And that he, Sen. Obama, would not use nuclear weapons in Pakistan because civilians would also be killed, and that nuclear weapons were off the table.
The two good ole boys really went at it, saying Sen. Obama was a rookie, making rookies' mistakes. Yea right, big mistake to try talking instead of shooting, or to hunt down terrorists, or not drop nuclear weapons that will not only kill thousands of innocent men, women and children, but also have negative repercussions on the entire world for generations to come. Can you imagine the radio active fallout if such weapons are ever used again? Or the damage that will be done to America's reputation? We think we are disliked around the world now.
Anyway, the good ole boys of Morning Joe said Sen. Obama was weak for saying he would talk to so-called rogue world leaders, and that Sen. Obama was being to tough for wanting to hunt down terrorist.
Fact is, nothing Sen. Obama says would be the right thing to these boys. If Sen. Obama had every view point the same as Hillary, Sacrbourgh and Buchanan would say Barack is wrong, and Hillary is right.
Good ole boy Joe said Sen. Obama had no idea that he was throwing away Florida in the general election when Sen. Obama said, when asked, that he would meet with Castro and, that Sen. Obama had not calculated his answer enough. Well, Joe has it ever crossed your small mind that Sen. Obama was just being honest, and not being calculated. After all, there are other people that live in Florida besides the Cubans who hate Castro. Maybe, Sen. Obama sees, as I do, that the U.S. embargo against Cuba is only hurting the Cubans that actually live in Cuba. Besides, the Clintons threw away the Cuban vote in Florida when Bill Clinton returned Elian Gonzales to his father, who lives in Cuba. The Florida Cubans are furious with the Clintons for that.
In fact, at different points in time, Hillary has made the same statements as Barack pertaining to Pakistan and, nuclear weapons, and she also said the U.S President should meet with so-called rogue world leaders. She was for these things before she she was against them.
When Joe Scarborough was in congress he voted against President Clinton on almost everything. He voted to impeach the President. He voted against intervening in the Balkans. Yet Scarboroubgh says Sen. Obama is naive and inexperienced. How smart and experience were those votes?
During the lead up to the Iraq War, and in the beginning when the war seemed an easy victory for the U.S.; Scarborough used every chance he got to lead the battle charge (from the safety of his chair) for bombing Iraq back to the Stone Age. Now that there's a possibility that his sons might have to fight in the war Scarborough wanted so badly, he's now become so anti war.
Pat Buchanan worked for Richard Nixon, the only President in history who had to resign rather than face impeachment for crimes he committed while holding the highest political office in the world, and while holding that office made derogatory remarks about blacks and Jews according to recently released white house tapes, as reported by Newsweek. The same Pat Buchanan who very recently told Bill O'Reilly on O'Reilly's show, that the whites in South Africa were suffering because apartheid was outlawed there. It seems Pat Buchanan thinks it was better in South Africa when blacks there lived in conditions that were as bad as slavery was in the United States. Yet Buchanan calls Sen. Obama naive, incompetent, irresponsible, and inexperienced. Give me a break! How wise, responsible, competent or experienced was that stupid statement?
Yes, like Pat And Joe most pundits want Hillary Clinton as the democratic nominee, and there is a very long list of right wing gas bags cheering Hillary on. But are we going to let the right pick our nominee? I say Hell No! I don't care who the right picks as their loser. But ask yourself this, do you really want to relive the Clinton era? And all the baggage that went with it? Since 1992, it's been constant Clinton. Don't you think its time for someone new?
Yes, the right will use the name Clinton to make millions. The same righties who are praising Hillary now will be vilifying her in books, television, radio, newspaper and anywhere else they can make a buck off hating her. The right wingers are sheep now, but the day after Hillary's elected President they will once again become wolves.
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