The Republicans: The party of high moral values. For everyone except themselves. They vote like angles, yet some behave like ally cats. They want to outlaw homosexuality. But if being gay was a crime there would be mostly Republicans jailed. They impeach a President for lying about a sexual act, yet at the same time they visit hookers. They preach family values, yet they carry on extra martials affairs, and sometime abandon their families for the other women. They want us to live the moral lives they rant about, while they have the moral lives that pleases their selfish lust.
It must be very hard to walk in a gay Repubilicans' shoes. Thanks to Karl Rove's obsession with making George Bush President, putting morals values at the forefront was a way to achieve that obsession. Stamping out gay rights was a most powerful weapon in their quest for power. Rove and Bush has made it almost impossible for their partys' politicians to be anything but Bible quoting, justifying, anti gay robots.
Before Bush was selected President, hardly anyone in the country gave a second thought to gays getting married. Bush and Rove needed an issue for so-called values voters. So they put gay marriage on the ballots of many states in 2004 which drew many of these voters to the polls. People who might not otherwise vote. (and evidently did not realized they were being played).
Rove and Bush had their cronies in Congress put forth congressional bills for gays rights on the floor for votes. So gay Republicans had to vote against gay rights and be hypocrites. These closeted gays were the ones making the loudest most anti-gay speechs during these votes. They were also be the people who would make the most hate filled, memorable speakers. Sen. Larry Craig, for example.
The people who mostly makeup the Republican party are mostly anti gay voters, who would never vote for any gay to represent them. So gay Republican seeking office have to hide their true sexuality. These gay Republicans probably have all the views of the conservative agenda, yet as openly gays they could never be sent to Washington as Republicans. This goes double for the older generation from the ruby red states. So a number of these men marry women to keep up appearances. They have to sneak around to be true to their sexuality. Cruising places such as airport bathrooms. This must be a lonely hellish life. I feel for Sen.Craig. He was forced to vote against every right that he, if was living as openly gay man, could have cherished.
Sen. Vitter phone number was found in client list of a she-pimp, and no Republicans were in the media calling for Vitter to resign his senate seat. They said was because Craig plead guilty to a crime, and Vitter never admitted to law breaking. I say the Repubilicans only get upset when Democrats cheat on their wives.(Bill and Monica) They gave Vitter the atta-a-boy. Craig got the you are outta-here-boy.
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