The nerve of Robert Johnson, to call Barack Obama a crackhead. Johnson, who brought black America BET TV. BET the network that has done more to demean and promote negative images of black people, than any other medium in the history of broadcasting. BET, the place where sex, drugs, and violence are celebrated as the norm in the black community.
I am well aware that Johnson has this love affair with the Clintons, but for Johnson to put down Barack Obama as a crackhead, who spent his teen years in the neighborhood doing drugs. That Barack is a crack dealer, is the lowest of low, even for a degenerate smut, and violence manager like Johnson.
I would think that Barack would be the kind of black man that Johnson would be showering praises on. Barack is a very well educated, successful, and a very responsible husband and father. The kind of role model that Johnson should be very proud of. Instead Johnson chose to denigrate this great role model for political reasons. Johnson put Barack down purely to help the Clintons get back in power.
It's a shame isn't it. That a good father, husband, and leader like Barack would be dumped on by a man like Johnson, a man who pimps his brand of smut to line his own pockets. The filth Johnson put out via BET shows how much he cares about the black community. There is more drug use on BET videos in an hour than I suspect Barack ever saw in his teens. If Johnson think we are stupid enough to believe his weak explanation of what he meant, then he's living a fairytale.
Also, I am very sure Johnson knows someone who has been affected by drugs. As I'm sure the majority of Americans also do. Drug use in this country is so widespread that no matter who you are, you probably have been touched by it. I am also sure Johnson through BET has most certainly caused a fair amount of this drug activity. Along with the violence that goes hand and hand with the drug trade in the black community. Johnson did all this for money. Barack worked in his community to bring positive change. Barack did the work he did to better the living conditions of his community. He did it for very little pay. While Johnson was making his Billion destroying the neighborhood. And the black community as a whole.
I keep hearing about the great record the Clintions have on civil rights. How they always stood up for the rights of black people. Johnson thinks blacks should reward them for doing the right thing. This fact however, does not preclude them for using race as wedge issue between blacks and whites. The Clintons want, and crave power. They will do whatever it takes to get power back. This includes manufacturing some phony controversy to pit whites against blacks. Does anyone remember sister solider. The Clintons will do anything for power. ANYTHING Robert Johnson, so you have to watch your back. Just ask Dick Morris. Maybe Johnson can team up with pat buchanan, that way they can both bash Obama. Johnson can even use the word "cocaine."