On November 25, 2006 Shawn Bell was gunned down by NYC police officers while leaving his bachelor party. Most of the so call black leaders in this country were all up in arms over Shawn's senseless murder, and rightfully so. That same day there were over 50 other young blacks murdered by other young blacks in this country. Yet, not a word of protest about these senseless murders from these same so-called leaders. Why not? My opinion is that black on black murders don't carry the same potential financial benefit for these leading men as police killings do, or blacks killed by whites in general carry. I know Sharpton and Jackson are the biggest racial ambulance chasers we have in this country.
The young thugs that roam our streets these days kill more backs in a year than than the kkk killed all during the worst years of the civil rights movement. These black terrorist killed so matter of factually, and with such ease that law abiding blacks have to wonder if these haters are trying to wipe out their own race in the country.
A majority of these baby face killers can barely read, they speak in broken sentences, and know math above at preschool level. Not because they can't learn, but because they don't want to learn anything except how to be a thug. They can and learn, they learn how to use foul language. They learn how to make crack cocaine out of powder cocaine(most could be chemist if they tried). They learn how to change money in drug transactions so fast it rivals calculators. They learn how to make babies to be raised singles mother and supported by the system. They learn how aim guns and shoot so precisely that master surgeons are perplexed. They learn how to contribute nothing meaningful to society(exceptions being the fatherless children they create). They learn how to adapt in the criminal justice system, and they learn how to die young, and violently, not bravely, but in the throes of fear. Yes they are able to learn, they only want to learn in the negative.
One would think with the high rate of black on black crime in this country that our self appointed black leaders would be much more concerned about this phenomenon than they would be about the random murders of our black youth by law enforcement. One would think the leaders would be in the community shouting from rooftops to stop the violence. After all it's not law enforcement or civilian whites destroying or communities, it's our own youth. Yet all these leaders do is make excuses for the thugs. There are no excuses.
Blacks are the third largest majority in this country. Black are the number one victims of murder in our country. Blacks are number one perpetrators of murders in our country. Blacks are 12% of population, we are 49% of murder victims. 94% of black murder victims in this is country are killed by other blacks. Pitiful statistics of blacks inhumanity to each other.
To the "leaders" in the community these are the victims that should really speak to your concern of senseless brutality. Law enforcement abuse against anyone has no place in our world, but compared to abuse we inflict on ourselves, authority abuse is a rarity.
To you self appointed community leaders you have to stop blaming everyone for your failure to lead, and try find someway to make your sorry asses useful. To the people who're mainly causing all the sorrow in the community, the black criminals who seems interested only in destroying their own race, the ones who complains the loudest when some people avoid meeting them on a lonely street, just please; Stop it, You idiots.